T175/80R18 in inches

How tall is a T175 80R18 tire?

When converted to inches, the equivalent of a T175/80R18 tire size is 29x6.9R18. It means that:

  • height overall (or diameter) is 29 inches
  • tread width is 6.9 inches
  • wheel diameter is 18 inches

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T175/80R18 tire size in inches
T175/80R18 tire size chart

T175/80R18 tire size in inches

T175/80R18 Height / overall diameter: 29 inches
Height / overall diameter
29 inches
T175/80R18 Tread width: 6.9 inches
Tread width
6.9 inches
T175/80R18 Sidewall: 5.5 inches
5.5 inches
T175/80R18 Wheel diameter: 18 inches
Wheel diameter
18 inches
T175/80R18 Circumference: 91.1 inches
91.1 inches
T175/80R18 Revolutions: 695 per mile
695 per mile

T175/80R18 — what does it mean?

  • T means "temporary"
  • 175 stands for tread width in millimeters
  • 80 is an aspect ration between the tread width and the sidewall in percents
  • R means that the tire has a radial construction
  • 18 is a wheel diameter (or rim) in inches

T175/80R18 tire code
T175/80R18 tire code

How to convert T175 80R18 to inches?

First of all, we need to divide 175 mm (width) by 25.4 (mm to inch conversion), which will give us a width of 6.9″. Then, 80% of the 6.9″ will result in 5.5″ sidewall.

To get the total height or tire diameter, we need to sum the 18″ rim diameter with two of the sidewall heights. It will result in a 29″ total tire diameter (or height).

For your convenience, below is a table for T175/80R18 conversion to inches:

Inches Metric
Overall diameter (height) 29″ 737 mm
Tread width 6.9″ 175 mm
Wheel diameter 18″ 737 mm
Sidewall height 5.5″ 140 mm
Circumference 91.1″ 2314 mm
Revolutions 695 / ml 432 / km

Alternatives to a T175/80R18 tire

If you're looking to upsize your T175 80R18 tires, try to stay within 3% deviation of an overall diameter for safety reasons.

Tire Tire diameter Width Wheel Size
265/55R18 29.4″ 0.34% 10.4″ 18″
255/55R18 29″ 0% 10″ 18″
295/45R18 28.4″ -0.55% 11.6″ 18″
235/60R18 29.2″ 0.17% 9.3″ 18″
245/60R18 29.6″ 0.5% 9.6″ 18″
225/60R18 28.6″ -0.38% 8.9″ 18″
245/55R18 28.6″ -0.38% 9.6″ 18″
T175/80D18 29″ 0% 6.9″ 18″
155/90R18 29″ 0% 6.1″ 18″
175/80R18 29″ 0% 6.9″ 18″